The Chapel Worship department had a challenge and looked to Gitgan to meet it. They wanted to professionally promote the Gungor show on March 8, 2011 but needed to turn around high-quality graphics for a poster, e-mail and digital signage in a expedited time frame. We delivered graphics in multiple sizes and formats to fit their needs. If you’re reading this before March 8, 2011 you can get tickets for the show at

Gungor – Event Promotion

Be. Ministry to Women
In 2009 The Chapel wanted to change the identity and branding on their ministry to women. They chose the name Be. Taken from Philippians 3:9 – Be found in Him…
The leadership team wanted a simple but feminine logo. After numerous concepts and versions they chose the design you now see. We worked to create both the branding elements along with the marketing materials for promoting the events throughout the 2009-2010 ministry year. We designed a mini-brochure (3.5″ x 4.25″) for both the Akron and Green, OH campuses of The Chapel.
In addition to the overall women’s ministry re-branding, the young mother’s group also wanted a look that would compliment the Be. brand and a event schedule card that would fit nicely in a Bible or on a refrigerator door.

Witschey, Witschey, Firestine & Co., LPA Business Cards
Our client was looking for a modern business card that would reflect their tag line of Committed, Candid, Innovative Counsel. We delivered with this design featuring a streamlined map to help potential clients and visiting professionals locate their office.

Victory Gallop Benefit
Victory Gallop, a charity pairing behaviorally challenged children with equestrian riding, hosts a benefit gala annually to raise money for the organization. For the 2008 event, they wanted to freshen up the look of the printed materials that accompany the event and use a more photographic approach.

Connections: Client Conference
The challenge: Present two distinct technology tracks in an organized manner while highlighting the fast paced learning that will take place in using an eye-catching theme. The solution: an eight-panel brochure with peek-a-boo folds that give the reader quick access to the content inside. This was the marketing centerpiece to a successful client conference in 2005.
*Work done in the employ of BCG Systems Inc.

Akron Hardware iPod Presentation
Akron Hardware wanted to wow its top customers with a presentation that would have the industry buzzing. The solution was an iPod shuffle preloaded with a message reinforcing their “Closer – Faster – Better” theme presented in a custom designed box. Included in the box were three print pieces as well as the iPod’s original product package.
Needless to say, the presentation was well received and upheld Akron Hardware’s history of high impact promotional items.
*Work done in the employ of Akron Hardware

Vintage Motorcycle Print
As fans of motorcycles and as, at the time, newbies to screen printing we thought an event poster for Mid-Ohio’s Vintage motorcycle weekend would be a fun project with which to hone our craft. We showed them to the director of marketing for the event, she loved them, hung it up in her office even, and said she would “be in touch” about possibly doing something similar as the official event poster for the upcoming year.
But alas, the governing body, the AHRMA, would cede control of the event to the AMA before this opportunity would become reality.
Regardless, we enjoyed making them.

Young Marrieds & Families Ministries Logo
Developed this concept for the Young Marrieds & Families ministry at our church, they ended up going with something else – said this one was too focused on “young” – I thought that was the point!
Not wanting the work to go unused we posted it on – a free stock art resource for churches and ministries. Apparently other churches think it works just fine as it’s had almost 700 downloads.

Fir Hill: Proclaim EP
Fir Hill is the worship band at our church, led by our good friend Drew Belden. The guy has a real heart for God and the talent to write great music. So when we were given the opportunity to create the artwork for the band’s debut EP Proclaim we were excited. Check out Fir Hill on iTunes.

Dolson/Lovedrug Gig Poster
Our friend Andy Dolson approached us about creating a screen print for his gig with Lovedrug at Musica. He liked the print enough to have us create an alternate version with no reference to any specific date;Â more as a promotion for his album Eightynine.

Matchbooks, the once ubiquitous take-away promo for fine enterprises everywhere, have become far less commonplace due in large part to the implementation of smoking bans inside public establishments.
Less and less, do we Americans find ourselves peering through a smokey haze to spot the bartender at our favorite watering holes. Gone are the mornings of waking to a frock so saturated in second hand smoke that one application of shampoo will not suffice. The world has changed much to the chagrin of the nicotine indulgent, and so, the matchbook escapes its ubiquity.
In tribute to the estranged promotional item, Gitgan has taken to curating a collection of matchbooks that epitomize the medium at the height of it’s popularity.
The collection has been featured in many places across the interwebs and even holds an exhibit position in Coudal Partners Museum of Online Museums.
Visit the full collection on Ben’s Flickr page.

New Vintage Music
Logo and Identity work.
Canton, Ohio based New Vintage Music turned to us to develop an identity that would evoke the same timeless aesthetic as the vintage guitars and amplifiers they peddle.

Point of Grace Concert
Chapel Hill Christian School needed a handful of print pieces designed for a concert they were putting on. They wanted to emphasize the performers, Point of Grace, but also promote the school itself. The handling the design of posters, programs, promo cards, tickets as well as some web graphics made for a cohesive and consistent campaign.

Coffeesmith Screen Print
While we enjoy being payed to design, from time to time we find ourselves working on projects strictly for the fun of it. This screen print was created for our Dad, a home-roaster of fine coffee beans of all varieties. Plus, I just really wanted to halftone a coffee bean.

A good friend of ours is a pastor and was looking for graphics for a sermon series on the supernatural. People have a lot of questions when it comes to Angels, Demons and the Devil. He wanted a graphic that would show good & evil and the similarities between the warring factions in the dimension beyond our own.